Virginia Birth photographer & doula

You're doing an amazing are bringing a LIFE into this world!

You deserve to remember every moment of it, and feel supported and loved through the process. Whether you are already a parent, or becoming one for the first time, this journey is about to be as unique as your baby. My hope is that you feel welcome and supported in these spaces. I can't wait to meet you!

Northern Virginia birth photographer doula and newborn photographer
I think I'm a hoot! Here are some things about me...

Hi, I'm emarie

I think I'm a hoot! Here are some things about me...

Hi, I'm emarie

I am married to a pretty handsome guy (if I do say so myself)...he's in the military, which is sometimes hard, but mostly it's an adventure.  We currently live in Northern Virginia. I am a homeschool mama of THREE little blessings (with one on the way), and I adore capturing them acting goofy and being themselves. I love Jesus, laughing, coffee, and making new friends. Nothing fills my heart with joy more than making someone happy cry AND I just can't wait to meet you! When I attended my first birth as a photographer (and first ever home birth experience) my live changed. Seeing this fierce mama navigate her birth as the main person “in charge”, and be fully supported and by her team made me explore out of hospital birth, and take a closer look at the “traditional” medical model. While still photographing and supporting mamas in whatever kind of birth they’re desiring. I believe that feeling supported and in change of your labor, has such an impact on your birth experience and your mothering. I've since become a certified, and award winning birth photographer, and most recently a DONA trained doula!

Certified Birth Photographer in DC
Published photographer northern Virginia
Birth photographer near DC
Award winning birth photographer northern Virginia



As a mom of three documenting the most important day of your motherhood makes ALL the sense in the world. Birth is so beautiful (however the journey looks) because it brings LIFE into the world! It is a true display of struggle, giving way to incredible things. I would be incredibly honored to be trusted to take pictures of these intimate moments. Being able to look back on that first moment with baby is never something you are going to regret.



Never forget your body's incredible ability to grow a whole human! You are a rockstar, and your beauty deserves to be memorialized in photos! Pregnant mamas have access to my "mama closet" full of gowns. I have maternity gowns in a variety of sizes and colors. You can absolutely wear something you already own, when you feel gorgeous that shows and THAT is my goal!



Newborns are perfectly adorable as they are and do not need a lot of uncomfortable posing. Baby will spend the majority of the session right in your arms, where they belong! My sessions are fun, and laid back, so I can capture the natural beauty of your entire crew! Newborn sessions are offered exclusively in your home, but I will bring a few wraps and a Moses basket to make them still look dreamy!


Doula Support

As a doula one of my main roles in pregnancy is education, to help you have whatever kind of birth you're hoping for. There is a lot of things our traditional medical model doesn't teach us about birth and interventions. From IV medications like pitocin, to helping facilitate productive laboring positions, a doula teaches you all about this wild thing called BIRTH.

In labor I am a constant in a sea of potentially fluctuating faces. If you are having baby in the hospital, I am a person there just for YOU. Whereas nurses, although doing their absolute best, with the number of patients they may have at any given time are in and out of your room. In the home setting I am with you from the moment you need me, even if that means you're not quite to full blown "active" labor.

A lot of doula support is emotional! But during labor I play a more active role, like helping discus decisions that have to be made as they come up. As well as helping implement pain relief techniques. (In a natural childbirth it’s a lot of hands on work for doulas, doing hip squeezes and things like that!) 

I also help dad in labor take an active role in supporting mom or explaining what’s happening/answering questions. It is common for dads to need a reassuring "this is normal"...they love you most after all!

Immediately postpartum as a doula I may help mom with first latch if you need me. In a home or birth center setting I sometimes am the one making that first meal postpartum. 

After you and baby are home or settled after the birth (normally a few days postpartum) we will have a home visit and check in. We'll talk about how things are going, what kind of issues they’re having if any, and then help to solve them (wether I can or help find someone who can). And then (my favorite) we talk a lot about the birth and I get to hear you process and tell your own birth story (sometimes for the first time you're re-telling it!)  


Sandra Davenport

“Emarie did an amazing job. It was our first home birth and she captured it so beautifully- can’t thank her enough for her work and talent!! So happy to have these memories for years to come.”

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why hire a birth photographer?

With everyone in the room having a phone in their pocket, it's hard to understand why to hire a BIRTH photographer.
When you hire a birth photographer you're hiring a skilled birth professional who knows how to work well in the birth space. Your birth space is sacred, and it deserves to be protected by someone who understands that!
Reasons like this and more - like your parter being able to be in the moment with you - is explained in the blog post "Weighing the Cost of Birth Photography", check it out!

Weighing the cost of birth photography

Invest into your family legacy

Memories worth everything

Contact me